
Estate Law Gold Coast Law Firm

The Importance of Reviewing your Will and Enduring Power of Attorney

For those of us who have a Will and Enduring Power of Attorney, it is not simply a set and forget task once the documents ...
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Death and Taxes

Whilst death duty (also known as inheritance tax) is no longer payable in Australia, there remain other forms of taxation which could still impact upon ...
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Superannuation Part 2: Types of Death Benefit Nominations

In Part One of Superannuation and Death Benefit Nominations, we considered the common misconception that you can nominate any person to receive your superannuation death ...
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Superannuation Part 1: Beneficiaries of Death Benefit Nominations

Do you have superannuation?  Can you recall who you have nominated to receive your superannuation benefits when you die?  Are you sure the nomination you ...
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Estate Law Gold Coast Law Firm where is your original will wills enduring power of attorney

Where is Your Original Will?

Do you know where your original Will is located? It is essential that your executor be able to locate your original Will when you die. This means keeping ...
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